ISBA Policy Services
Establishing policy is a primary responsibility of school boards. Through policy, school boards define the course of action for the administration and operation of the entire school corporation. The policies school boards adopt must comply with state and federal laws and should reflect the educational values of the school corporation and the community.
Board policy should tell administrators what to do, without telling them how to do it. Policy statements are written in broad, general terms but also narrow enough for clear, concise guidance. Some policies are required by law and others by common sense.
Board policy should tell administrators what to do, without telling them how to do it. Policy statements are written in broad, general terms but also narrow enough for clear, concise guidance. Some policies are required by law and others by common sense.
Through your school corporation's membership in ISBA, the Association will, upon request, provide expert legal review of individual board policies, answer questions related to policy development needs, and share samples of required policies. Payment of ISBA annual dues also entitles school boards to access regular correspondence about new policies, emerging policies, and important policy updates, and receive the “Policy Advisor” column published quarterly in ISBA’s flagship publication, The Journal.
Comprehensive Policy Management Services
The Association is pleased to provide a premium policy package called Comprehensive Policy Management Services (CPMS). Through CPMS, ISBA will work with your school corporation to develop customized policies that fit your unique needs. ISBA will provide consultation services to determine if policies developed by your board are legal and where they should be placed within your written policy manual. A subscription to CPMS includes professional assistance in understanding how new legislation, administrative regulations, and court decisions impact your school corporation's need for new, revised, or updated policies.
The Association is pleased to provide a premium policy package called Comprehensive Policy Management Services (CPMS). Through CPMS, ISBA will work with your school corporation to develop customized policies that fit your unique needs. ISBA will provide consultation services to determine if policies developed by your board are legal and where they should be placed within your written policy manual. A subscription to CPMS includes professional assistance in understanding how new legislation, administrative regulations, and court decisions impact your school corporation's need for new, revised, or updated policies.

Julie M. Slavens
Senior Counsel/Director of Policy Services
Phone: (317) 639-4362
Email: [email protected]
Julie M. Slavens
Senior Counsel/Director of Policy Services
Phone: (317) 639-4362
Email: [email protected]